Google Contacts E164 check/fix

Uses Google Contacts API to read out your phone book and then verify that all phone numbers are in the proper E164 format. That means that they all have + country code in the beginning so it can be dialed from any country.

Demos key features:
  • Use of AngularJS for front end
  • Use of Google Contacts API
Known issues:
  • If you use the “select all” checkbox the API calls will fail due to quota limitations.

Source code available here:

Login to Google Contacts


Total contacts:{{Contacts.ContactsFeed.openSearch$totalResults.$t}}
E.164 Valid contacts:{{Contacts.NumberOfValidContacts}}
E.164 Invalid contacts:{{Contacts.NumberOfInValidContacts}}
Default country:
Name Phone # E.164 # Updated
{{contact.title.$t}} {{number.$t}}
{{contact.updated.$t | date:'dd/MM/yyyy'}}